Hey friends and fam!!
Wesley and I have been in SE Asia for a whole month already. Wow. Time has flown, at least on our end!
This past month has been amazing. Full of growth, full of prayer, FULL of dreams and new ideas, of stories, of travel and new people and cultures, of delicious and new food—so much! God has protected and been with us every step. We have felt hugely blessed to even be here, let alone to get to be a part of the things we have been a part of. Our hearts and minds have been stirring a lot as of late with ideas and dreams for the future and for stories to come. This excites us!
We seriously are so grateful for each one of you. For those who are praying for us, have supported us, are checking in with us, and following along with our story. We couldn’t do what we’re doing or be where we are if it weren’t for each of you. Truly! Thank you.
Wesley and I were in Cambodia 2 weeks ago and wanted to share a few snapshots from our time there! While there, we got to tell the story of a Khmer man named Pastor Abraham who has taken the love of Jesus into the seemingly hopeless areas of Cambodia. He has started and built a school, a hostel, a church, and a sustainability farm in a remote area of Cambodia. We are really excited to share the full story with you of his faith and of God's power through him! In fact, as I write this, Wesley is beside me editing away at the full documentary of Pastor Abraham's story!! We cannot wait for you all to see the final film and experience a little of how God is working in Cambodia.
We love showing the beauty and culture of each place that we travel to, but we also want to share, after having experienced just a little tiny bit of the country ourselves, ways that we can pray for each place and the people there. We would love for each of you to take even just a moment as you read this blog to pause and pray over the Khmer people and their country of Cambodia.
Prayer for Cambodia—
—connection of the church of Cambodia- being there and meeting believers from different parts of the country, we saw that internally, believers there seemed rather disconnected, as in they didn’t even know others there existed. We want to pray for the believers there to be encouraged by discovering the work of the other missionaries who are there as well. How encouraging is it to know other brothers and sisters! We pray for the church there to strengthen, be encouraged, and to grow in that way.
—leaders in the community to continue to rise up, specifically to work alongside of Pastor Abraham (the head of the ministry we went to visit). He has much responsibility and not many people at the moment to delegate that to. We want to pray for the Holy Spirit to equip leaders to rise up alongside of him to bolster and encourage him, and especially to bring more kingdom and grow the church!
—protection and provision for the Khmer people. Since the genocide in the 70s, their country as a whole has suffered greatly. We pray that God would bless and hold them fast. We know and trust that He is over their country and their people!
Thank you for praying with us!
Here are some of the things we saw and experienced while in Cambodia!

The hostel that Pastor Abraham started. It houses high school students who are from villages too far in distance to actually attend the local high school, so they stay here during the school year.

Wesley capturing footage!

Visiting the school that Pastor Abraham began!

Exploring parts of the sustainability projects.

Pastor Abraham! A man of obedience and great faith.

One of the days, Wesley and I got to go explore some amazing temples full of history and beauty!

Cambodia is an incredible country full of stories and history! We are so thankful for the opportunity we had to visit. Thank you again for praying with us for the people and the country! God has His hand there, of that we are sure.
Lots of love to all of you!
Praying for the beautiful people of Cambodia!!!
And for strength, wisdom and for more people to come along side Pastor Abraham as he shepherds the Lords people there.
Thank you for sharing these beautiful pictures with us ❤️❤️
Love and miss you guys sooo
Excited and praying along with you guys((; love these updates my people
dogs out
Love you guys so, so much!!! Just prayed for the Khmer people! Thanks for sharing all of this, Moriah!
Miss you guys. Praying for God's continued guidance, discernment, and protection as you do His work is in such a tangible way. Thanks for the update.