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Writer's pictureMoriah Cannon

a peek into the past 3 weeks...

Hey friends and fam!

It’s been a bit! We LOVE and miss you all!

Wesley and I just got back to Malaysia after spending about 3 weeks bouncing around different parts of Thailand. In that time, we hopped on 9 different flights, slept in 5 different beds, and had 6 different shoots! It was busy, but God gave us much grace and sweet times of rest amidst all the moving around as well. We are glad to be back in a familiar place for a little bit of time! We have lots of editing to do haha!

We are doing very well, praise God! Little baby girl is growing great. We just entered month 7 of pregnancy and the third trimester, which is wild how fast the time has gone! Wesley and I are doing great as well! God has given us great health, strength, and energy overall during the past months. We are so thankful! We will spend the next 3 weeks here in Malaysia editing, shooting a few smaller projects, and then packing up our suitcases to get ready to head to Africa the middle of November.

The first little bit of our time in Thailand, we got to take a tiny anniversary trip, just Wesley and I, to celebrate (a month late, but still :)) our 1 year of marriage! It was SO sweet. We spent so much of those few days processing what we’ve been through so far in the past months, as well as doing a lot of dreaming and vision forming for the future! Exciting things!

After that little getaway, we headed to a different part of Thailand where we captured a young couple’s story and the work they are doing in their area of Thailand. While there, we also got to participate in a 2 day gathering of many of the World Outreach (the organization we are working with right now) missionaries located in Thailand. This was an eyeopening time to listen to these missionaries discuss plans and strategies, as well as the different difficulties of spreading the Gospel in their specific country. Sitting in and listening to the discussions of our brothers and sisters, some who have been on the field longer than Wesley or I have been alive, and some who are only in their first few years, I felt there was lots that I now knew to pray for each of them. One thing in particular that I wanted to share with you all was this:

Please pray with us that these missionaries in Thailand would have confidence in who they are and in what God is doing, as well as can do, in them as they keep obeying Him. We want to pray that they would know and believe that He is the Equipper, and that HE is the one who gives the growth. All He asks of them is to be obedient and then to have faith as He makes much from seemingly nothing–as He does what feels impossible to them. I think of Romans 4:20-21 when I think of them, and want to pray this over each of them to be true! It says,

“No unbelief made him (it’s talking of Abraham, but let’s think of our Thai brothers and sisters!) waver concerning the promise of God, but he (they) grew strong in his (their) faith as he (they) gave glory to God, fully convinced that God was able to do what He had promised.”

Thank you for praying for them!

After these meetings, Wesley and I flew to a different part of Thailand where we met up with a few different couples, got to hear their stories, and got to film for them. We were able to film videos for each of them that they are able to personally use for updating their supporters back home with what God has been doing recently in their specific ministries. We got to visit each of their ministries, spend sweet quality time with each of them, and encourage them while also being encouraged by them.

After those few days, we hopped on yet another flight to a different area of Thailand, and were able to film a large number of class sessions for a course that World Outreach requires for new workers joining their organization.

And now, back in Malaysia! It’s been a bit of a whirlwind couple of weeks, but it has been really humbling and fulfilling to get to meet so many new brothers and sisters, as well as use our passion for storytelling and Wesley’s talent in film in such varying ways to bless and serve many.

Thanks for tuning in to our tiny update! We would love for you to be praying for us as this time here on this side of the world is coming to an end, and we prepare to come back to the states. Pray for grace in processing, in transition, in travel, and in preparing for this little girl to join our family! Please pray too that we would remain steadfast and faithful in each day, eyes open to what God is saying and where He is leading. We can confidently say we are so excited for the now, as well as having big dreams and excitement for the future! Thanks God!

We are beyond excited to see all of you and to share even more what we have been learning and experiencing with the Lord, as well as hear the same from you!


We found ourselves again on long walks through the little back roads of Thailand cities:)

Lots of interviews!

Lunch break during a long day of filming with our new friends, Marlieke and Joshua.

Filming at lots of different ministries! (Look at me learning the camera! hah!)

We were invited to join in on a beautiful dinner one of our evenings with several of the mission partners in a certain area of Thailand!

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2 comentarios

Pam Cannon
Pam Cannon
26 oct 2023

Loved reading this!! Thank you for sharing! Big squeeze to all three of you! I also love being able to join in this very specific prayer!! ❤️

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26 oct 2023

Thank You for sharing this update with us!! Praying for you guys as you come around toward the finish line of your time in South East Asia 🙏🏻🙏🏻

Love you guys!!!! ❤️❤️❤️

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